- Mathematics is to be taught by mathematics teachers or technical teachers or science teachers.
- English is to be taught by language teachers (English/Kiswahili/Foreign/Indigenous) or humanity teachers.
- Kiswahili to be taught by language teachers(English/Kiswahili/Foreign/Indigenous) or humanity teachers.
- Physical education and sports are to be taught by all teachers of any specialty.
- Life skills education to be taught by all teachers of any specialty.
- Indigenous languages to be taught by language teachers or humanity teachers.
- Foreign language to be taught by language teachers only.
- Social studies to be taught by language teachers or humanity teachers.
- Virtual arts/ performing arts to be taught by language teachers or mathematics teachers or humanity teachers.
- Integrated science to be taught by mathematics teachers or science teachers or technical teachers.
- Business/Computer studies to be taught by Mathematics teachers or science teachers or technical teachers.
- Pre-technical studies to be taught by mathematics teachers or science teachers or technical teachers.
- Health education to be taught by science teachers or technical teachers or humanity teachers.
- Agriculture/Home science to be taught by technical teachers or science teachers.
- Religious education is to be taught by humanity teachers only.
💣 Mathematics teachers (specialized in mathematics/any other subject)
💣 Language teachers (specialized in English/literature or Kiswahili/any other subject)
💣Science teachers (specialized in physics/another subject or biology/another subject or chemistry/another subject or either two sciences)
💣Technical teachers (specialized in computer/another subject or agriculture/another subject or business/another subject or home science /another subject or woodwork/another subject)
💣Humanity teachers(specialized in CRE/ another subject or geography/another subject or history/another subject or either two humanities)
FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK THE LINK teaching areas in junior secondary